The 10th biennial meeting of the European Philosophy of Science Association will take place at the University of Groningen from August 27 to 30.
Abstracts for presentations, symposia, and posters can be submitted until January 31. The call reads:
Call for papers, symposia and posters
The European Philosophy of Science Association invites submissions for its 10th biennial meeting, EPSA25, to be held in Groningen (Netherlands) on 27-30 August 2025.
The conference will feature contributed talks, symposia, and posters covering all subfields of the philosophy of science and will bring together a large number of philosophers of science from Europe and overseas.
We also welcome philosophically minded scientists and investigators from areas outside the philosophy of science, for example, as symposium participants; and we particularly welcome submissions from women, ethnic minorities, and other under-represented groups in the profession. Childcare facilities will be provided.
The conference has ten sections:
- General Philosophy of Science
- Philosophy of the Physical Sciences
- Philosophy of the Life Sciences
- Philosophy of the Cognitive Sciences
- Philosophy of the Social Sciences
- Philosophy of Technology and Philosophy of Interdisciplinary Research
- Philosophy of Science in Practice
- Formal Philosophy of Science
- Ethical and Political Issues Concerning Science
- Integrated History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science
The EPSA25 Programme Committee, headed by Marie I. Kaiser (Bielefeld) and Olivier Sartenaer (Namur), will strive for quality, variety, and diversity on the programme. A selection of accepted contributed and symposium papers will appear in the European Journal of Philosophy of Science (EJPS).
Submission Categories
We invite submissions in any of the following three categories:
1. Contributed Papers
Submissions of proposals for contributed papers to be presented at the conference must contain a short abstract (max. 1000 characters) as well as an extended abstract (max. 1000 words).
The short abstract must be copied or typed into the abstract field in the conference management system EasyChair ( The short abstract will be used for assigning reviewers. Please include the number and title of the most relevant section at the end of the abstract. In addition, please tick up to 4 sections that apply to the submission in the topic section of the submission form in EasyChair. This information will be used to optimize the schedule of the conference.
The extended abstract must start with the title of the paper as it is also typed into the submission form. The extended abstract serves as the basis for the review. Please prepare it for blind review and submit it as a PDF file.
Please tick whether you want your submission to be considered for the poster session in case of non-acceptance as a talk, or whether the submission should be considered only as a talk.
The allocated time for delivering contributed papers as talks at the conference will be 30 minutes, including discussion. Presenters are expected to be present at the conference.
2. Symposia
Submission of proposals for symposia to be presented at the conference must contain a short abstract (max. 1000 characters) as well as a full proposal (max. 3000 words).
The short abstract must be typed into the abstract form in the conference management system EasyChair ( The short abstract will be used for assigning reviewers. Please include the number and title of the most relevant section at the end of the abstract. In addition, please tick all sections that apply to the submission in the topic section of the submission form in EasyChair. This information will be used to optimize the schedule of the conference.
The full symposium proposal must start with the title of the symposium as it is also typed into the submission form. In addition, it must include the contact details of the organizer(s), who may or may not be speaker(s), the names and short CVs of all speakers (max. 1 page in total), a general description of the topic, its significance and how the individual talks contribute to the topic and relate to each other (max. 1500 words), as well as titles and abstracts of all talks (max. 300 words for each). The full symposium proposal serves as the basis for the review. Please submit it as a PDF file.
Accepted symposia will be allocated 120 minutes, including discussions. They can have any format, but the maximum number of speakers is five. If a symposium has a classical format (successive talks & discussions) we encourage the organizers to include four talks (each 30 min) to fall in with the rhythm of contributed talks.
Symposium proposals that explore connections between different areas or research programmes in philosophy of science or between philosophy of science and sciences are especially encouraged. Online presentation will be allowed in symposia, but they should be exceptions and well justified. Plans for online presentation must be described in the symposium proposal.
3. Posters
We invite contributions of posters, which will be presented in a dedicated poster session. Posters can be submitted either specifically for the poster session or as a second option for papers that are also submitted as contributed talks.
Submissions of proposals for posters must contain a short abstract (max. 1000 characters) as well as an extended abstract (max. 1000 words). For poster submissions, please follow the guidelines for contributed papers and select the submission category “poster” (or “contributed paper” and poster option “yes”).
Submission Guidelines and Rules
The deadline for all submissions is by 31 January 2025, 11.55pm GMT.
All submissions should be made through the conference management system EasyChair at
Authors can simultaneously make one submission for each of the three above types (contributed paper, symposium, poster), but any author can appear on the programme only once as a presenter. In case of acceptance of multiple submissions by one author, the programme committee will give symposium participation priority over contributed talks and contributed talks over posters.
For co-authored contributed papers, symposium papers, and posters, only one presenter of the paper or poster must be chosen and identified as such in EasyChair. Accordingly, authors presenting at EPSA25 may also appear as co-authors of other papers that are part of the programme, but not as first author/presenter.
Decisions on the acceptance of submissions will be made by the end of April 2025.
To present at the conference, the conference fee must be paid before 31 May 2025. In addition, presenters must be active and paying members of the EPSA.
The final program of the conference will be released in June 2025.
Contact us
For all enquiries related to EPSA25 submissions, please contact the following mailbox: