The “XPHI UK Work in Progress Workshop Series”, organized by James Andow and Eugen Fischer, continues. They write: We are looking forward to the next series of our monthly online workshop devoted to discussion of work in progress in experimental philosophy. The workshop is held via Teams, the second Wednesday of each month, 16:00-18:00 UK…
Month: September 2024
Talk: “Slurs Across Syntactic Realizations” (Bianca Cepollaro, Filippo Domaneschi, and Isidora Stojanovic)
On Monday, September 23, from 14:30–16:00 (UTC+2), the Slurring Terms Across Languages (STAL) network will present Bianca Cepollaro, Filippo Domaneschi, and Isidora Stojanovic’s talk “Slurs Across Syntactic Realizations – Experimental Evidence on Predicative vs. Ad-Nominal Uses of Slurs” as part of the STAL seminar series. The abstract reads: The research on slurs has been largely…
Hot Off The Press: “Experimental Philosophy for Beginners”
“Experimental Philosophy for Beginners”, a new entry into the Springer Graduate Texts in Philosophy series, just hit the shelves. It provides an essential extension of x-phi-tailored introductions to methods and guides readers through the whole research process using different case studies. The book offers online materials so readers can immediately apply what they have read….