“Experimental Philosophy for Beginners,” a new entry into the “Springer Graduate Texts in Philosophy” series, just hit the shelves. It provides an essential extension of x-phi-tailored introductions to methods and guides readers through the whole research process using different case studies. The book offers online materials so readers can immediately apply what they have read. See below for the table of contents.
- Stephan Kornmesser, Alexander Max Bauer, Mark Alfano, Aurélien Allard, Lucien Baumgartner, Florian Cova, Paul Engelhardt, Eugen Fischer, Henrike Meyer, Kevin Reuter, Justin Sytsma, Kyle Thompson, and Marc Wyszynski: “Introduction – Setting Out for New Shores”
- Alexander Max Bauer, Stephan Kornmesser, and Henrike Meyer: “Quantitative Vignette Studies – χ2 Tests – Empirically Reconsidering the Constative–Performative Distinction”
- Justin Sytsma: “Quantitative Vignette Studies – t-Tests – Case Studies on Judgments About Unfelt Pains”
- Florian Cova and Aurélien Allard: “Quantitative Vignette Studies – Correlations, Regressions, and Structural Equation Modeling – An Application to Experimental Philosophy of Free Will”
- Marc Wyszynski: “Interactive and Incentivized Online Experiments – Noncooperation in Give-Some and Take-Some Dilemmas”
- Kevin Reuter and Lucien Baumgartner: “Corpus Analysis – Building and Using Corpora – A Case Study on the Use of ‘Conspiracy Theory’”
- Mark Alfano: “Corpus Analysis – Lexical Dispersion, Semantic Time Series, and Semantic Network Analysis – An R Studio Pipeline”
- Eugen Fischer and Paul E. Engelhardt: “Psycholinguistic Experiments – A Case Study on Default Inferences in Philosophical Arguments – Analysing the Argument from Illusion”
- Kyle Thompson: “Qualitative Interview Studies – Constructing an Interview Study Based on a Paradigm Example in ‘Ought Implies Can’”
Kornmesser, Stephan, Alexander Max Bauer, Mark Alfano, Aurélien Allard, Lucien Baumgartner, Florian Cova, Paul Engelhardt, Eugen Fischer, Henrike Meyer, Kevin Reuter, Justin Sytsma, Kyle Thompson, and Marc Wyszynski (2024): Experimental Philosophy for Beginners. A Gentle Introduction to Methods and Tools, Cham: Springer. (Link)